日本経済統計年鑑 Financial and Economic Statistics JAPAN
金融・財政 Money, Banking and Public Finance
金融 Money and Banking
短期金融市場金利 Short-term Money Market Rates
JPA1 コールレート (月次) Call Rates (Monthly)
JPA2 国内コマーシャルペーパー発行平均金利 Average Yields on Newly Issued Domestic Commercial Paper
JPA3 譲渡性預金平均金利 (新規発行分) Average Interest Rates on Certificates of Deposit (New Issues)
JPA4 (参考) 手形売買レート (2001年3月まで) (Reference) Bill Rates (through March 2001)
債券市場利回等 Bond Market Yields
JPA5 国債の流通利回等 / 東証上場国債 (10年) 最長期利回、長期国債 (10年) 新発債流通利回、東証国債先物利回 (10年) Government Bond Yields / Yields on TSE Bonds (10 years) Selected with Longest Remaining Maturity, Newly Issued Government Bonds Yields (10 years), Government Bonds Future Listed Yields on TSE (10 years)
預金金利 Deposit Rates
JPA9 定期預金の預入期間別平均金利 (新規受入分) (1) 総合 Average Interest Rates on Time Deposits by Term (New Receipts) (1) Total
貸出金利 Lending Rates
JPA17 貸出約定平均金利 Average Contracted Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts
量的金融指標(市場規模・残高等)/通貨 Monetary Aggregates (market volume, outstanding) / Currency
JPB1 マネーサプライ (1998年4月以降<注>) Money Stock (from April 1998) (Notice 2)
JPB2 マネタリーサーベイ (1998年4月以降<注>) Monetary Survey (from April 1998) (Notice 2)
JPB3 (参考) マネーサプライ (M2+CD) 増減と信用面の対応 (1998年4月から2003年12月まで<注>) (Reference) Changes in Money Stock (M2+CDs) and Credit (from April 1998 to December 2003) (Notice 2)
JPB4 通貨流通高 Currency in Circulation
量的金融指標(市場規模・残高等)/短期金融市場・債券市場等 Monetary Aggregates (market volume, outstanding) / Short-term Money Market and Bond Market
短期金融市場 Short-term Money Market
JPB71 コール市場残高 Amounts Outstanding in the Call Money Market
JPB72 譲渡性預金発行残高 Certificates of Deposit Outstanding
JPB73 (参考) 手形売買市場資金残高 (2001年3月まで) (Reference) Amounts Outstanding in The Bills Market (through March 2001)
公社債市場 Bond Market
JPB75 公社債消化状況 (利付国債) Trading of Interest-bearing Government Bonds by Purchaser
JPB76 公社債発行・償還および現存額 (国内起債分) Issuance, Redemption and Outstandings of Government Bonds (Domestic Flotation)
国内銀行 Monetary Aggregates (market volume, outstanding) / Assets and Liabilities of Financial Institutions, etc.-Domestically Licensed Banks
JPB91 国内銀行の資産・負債等 (銀行勘定) Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts)
JPB92 国内銀行の資産・負債等 (銀行勘定) (平残) Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (Average Outstandings)
JPB93 (参考) 国内銀行の資産・負債等 (銀行勘定) (信託子会社・外銀信託を除く、1993年9月まで) (Reference) Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Licensed Banks (Banking Accounts) (excluding trust subsidiaries and foreign trust banks, through September 1993)
量的金融指標(市場規模・残高等)/預金・貸出残高 Monetary Aggregates (market volume, outstanding) / Outstanding of Deposits and Loans
定期預金 Time Deposits
JPB131 定期預金の残高および新規受入高 (1) 総合 Time Deposits New Receipts and Outstanding (1) Total
貸出先別貸出金 Loans and Discounts Outstanding by Sector
JPB154 貸出先別貸出金 Loans and Discounts Outstanding by Sector
JPB155 貸出先別貸出金 (業種別<主要>) (1) 国内銀行 Loans and Discounts Outstanding by Sector (by Type of Major Industries) (1) Domestically Licensed Banks
JPB156 貸出先別貸出金 (業種別<主要>) (2) 国内銀行銀行勘定 Loans and Discounts Outstanding by Sector (by Type of Major Industries) (2) Banking Accounts of Domestically Licensed Banks
その他貸出 Others
JPB183 (参考) 個人向け貸出金 (2) 住宅資金 その他の金融機関 (2006年第2四半期まで) "(Reference) Loans to Individuals (2) Housing Funds, Other Financial Institutions (through the second quarter of 2006)"
JPB184 個人向け貸出金 (3) 消費財・サービス購入資金 国内銀行・信用金庫 Loans to Individuals (3) Funds for Purchase of Consumer Goods and Service, Domestically Licensed Banks and Shinkin Banks
日本銀行 Bank of Japan
JPA91 基準割引率および基準貸付利率 (従来「公定歩合」として掲載されていたもの) 2001年1月4日以降 The Basic Discount Rate and Basic Loan Rate (formerly referred to as the Official Discount Rate) from January 4, 2001
JPB192 日銀当座預金増減要因と金融調節 (実績) Sources of Changes in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan and Market Operations (Final Figures)
JPB193 準備預金額 Reserves
JPB197 日本銀行勘定 Bank of Japan Accounts
JPB198 日本銀行貸出 Loans and Discounts by the Bank of Japan
財政 Public Finance
JPB301 財政資金収支 Statement of Receipts and Payments of Treasury Accounts
JPB302 政府債務 National Government Debt
JPB401 株式市場 Stock Market
物価  Prices
国内企業物価指数(CGPI) (2000年基準) Corporate Goods Price Index (CGPI) (2000 base)
基本分類指数 Basic grouping index
国内企業物価指数 Domestic Corporate Goods Price Index
JPC1 総平均、大類別、類別指数 All commodities, Major groups and Groups
輸出物価指数 Export Price Index
JPC31 総平均、類別指数 (円ベース指数) All commodities and Groups (Constituent classes of Groups, Yen basis)
輸入物価指数 Import Price Index
JPC61 総平均、類別指数 (円ベース指数) All commodities and Groups (Constituent classes of Groups, Yen basis)
参考指数 Reference index
需要段階別・用途別指数 Index by Stage of Demand and Use
JPC81 国内需要財、国内品・輸入品別指数 Domestic goods and imports under Domestic demand products
戦前基準指数 Prewar Base Index
JPC181 基本分類指数、用途別指数 Basic groupings, Groupings by use
企業向けサービス価格指数(CSPI)(2000年基準) Corporate Service Price Index (CSPI) (2000 base)
基本分類指数 Basic grouping index
JPC301 総平均、大類別、類別指数、各類別の内訳指数、参考指数 All commodities, Major groups and Groups, Constituent classes of Groups, Reference
製造業部門別投入・産出物価指数(IOPI)(2000年基準) Input-Output Price Index of the Manufacturing Industry by Sector (IOPI) (2000 base)
JPC401 製造業総合部門・大部門別投入・産出物価指数および交易条件指数 Input-Output Price Index and Output/Input Price Ratio Index for the Manufacturing industry sector and Major sectors
消費者物価指数 Consumer Price Index
JPD1 中分類指数(全国 ) Subgroup Index for Japan
市街地価格指数 Urban Land Price Index
JPD501 全国市街地 Nationwide
JPD502 大都市  Large City Areas
国民経済計算 National Accounts
長期時系列(GDP・雇用者報酬)(93SNA、平成12年基準) Quarterly Estimates of GDP (93SNA, Base-year=2000)
需要項目別時系列表(連鎖方式) Quarterly Estimates of GDP chained
T.国内総生産(支出側)及び各需要項目 I.GDP (expenditure approach) and its components
実額 Amount
(四半期) (Quarterly figures)
JPE1 名目原系列 Nominal Gross Domestic Product (original series)
JPE2 名目季節調整系列 Nominal Gross Domestic Product (seasonally adjusted series)
JPE3 実質原系列 Real Gross Domestic Product (original series)
JPE4 実質季節調整系列 Real Gross Domestic Product (seasonally adjusted series)
(年度・暦年) (Annual figures)
JPE5 名目年度 Annual Nominal GDP (fiscal year)
JPE6 名目暦年 Annual Nominal GDP (calendar year)
JPE7 実質年度 Annual Real GDP (fiscal year)
JPE8 実質暦年 Annual Real GDP (calendar year)
増加率 Changes from the previous term
(四半期) (Quarterly figures)
JPE9 名目原系列(前年同期比) Changes from the previous year (at current prices: original series)
JPE10 名目季節調整系列(前期比) Changes from the previous quarter (at current prices: seasonally adjusted series)
JPE11 実質原系列(前年同期比) Changes from the previous year (at chained (2000) prices: original series)
JPE12 実質季節調整系列(前期比) Changes from the previous quarter (at chained (2000) prices: seasonally adjusted series)
JPE13 年率換算の名目季節調整系列(前期比) Annualized rate of changes from the previous quarter (at current prices: seasonally adjusted series)
JPE14 年率換算の実質季節調整系列(前期比) Annualized rate of changes from the previous quarter (at chained (2000) prices: seasonally adjusted series)
(年度・暦年) (Annual figures)
JPE15 名目年度(前年度比) Changes from the previous year (at current prices: fiscal year)
JPE16 名目暦年(前年比) Changes from the previous year (at current prices: calendar year)
JPE17 実質年度(前年度比) Changes from the previous year (at chained (2000) prices: fiscal year)
JPE18 実質暦年(前年比) Changes from the previous year (at chained (2000) prices: calendar year)
寄与度 Contributions to changes in GDP
(四半期) (Quarterly figures)
JPE19 名目原系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Nominal GDP (original series)
JPE20 名目季節調整系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Nominal GDP (seasonally adjusted series)
JPE21 実質原系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Real GDP (original series)
JPE22 実質季節調整系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Real GDP (seasonally adjusted series)
(年度・暦年) (Annual figures)
JPE23 名目年度(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Annual Nominal GDP (fiscal year)
JPE24 名目暦年(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Annual Nominal GDP (calendar year)
JPE25 実質年度(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Annual Real GDP (fiscal year)
JPE26 実質暦年(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Annual Real GDP (calendar Year)
デフレータ― Deflators
(実数) (Amount)
JPE27 四半期デフレータ― Deflators (quarter)
JPE28 年度デフレータ― Deflators (fiscal year)
JPE29 暦年デフレータ― Deflators (calendar year)
(増加率) (Changes from the previous year)
JPE30 四半期デフレータ―(前年同期比) Deflators (quarter: changes from the previous year)
JPE31 年度デフレータ―(前年度比) Deflators (fiscal year: changes from the previous year)
JPE32 暦年デフレータ―(前年比) Deflators (calendar year: changes from the previous year)
需要項目別時系列表(固定基準年方式) Quarterly Estimates of GDP Fixed-based
実額 Amount
(四半期) (Quarterly figures)
JPE101 名目原系列 GDP at Current Prices (original series)
JPE102 名目季節調整系列 GDP at Current Prices (seasonally adjusted series)
JPE103 実質原系列 GDP at Constant Prices (original series)
JPE104 実質季節調整系列 GDP at Constant Prices (seasonally adjusted series)
(年度・暦年) (Annual figures)
JPE105 名目年度 GDP at Current Prices(Fiscal Year)
JPE106 名目暦年 GDP at Current Prices(Calendar Year)
JPE107 実質年度 GDP at Constant Prices(Fiscal Year)
JPE108 実質暦年 GDP at Constant Prices(Calendar Year)
増加率 Changes from the previous term
(四半期) (Quarterly figures)
JPE109 名目原系列(前年同期比) Changes from the previous year ( at current prices : original series)
JPE110 名目季節調整系列(前期比) Changes from the previous quarter ( at current prices : seasonally adjusted series)
JPE111 実質原系列(前年同期比) Changes from the previous year ( at constant prices : original series )
JPE112 実質季節調整系列(前期比) Changes from the previous quarter ( at constant prices : seasonally adjusted series )
JPE113 年率換算の名目季節調整系列(前期比) Annualized rate of changes from the previous quarter ( at current prices : seasonally adjusted series )
JPE114 年率換算の実質季節調整系列(前期比) Annualized rate of changes from the previous quarter ( at constant prices : seasonally adjusted series )
(年度・暦年) (Annual figures)
JPE115 名目年度(前年度比) Changes from the previous year (at current prices : Fiscal year)
JPE116 名目暦年(前年比) Changes from the previous year (at current prices : Calendar year )
JPE117 実質年度(前年度比) Changes from the previous year (at constant prices : Fiscal year )
JPE118 実質暦年(前年比) Changes from the previous year (at constant prices : Calendar year )
寄与度 Contributions to changes in GDP
(四半期) (Quarterly figures)
JPE119 名目原系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in GDP ( at current prices : original series )
JPE120 名目季節調整系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in GDP ( at current prices : seasonally adjusted series )
JPE121 実質原系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in GDP ( at constant prices : original series)
JPE122 実質季節調整系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in GDP ( at constant prices : seasonally adjusted series )
(年度・暦年) (Annual figures)
JPE123 名目年度(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in GDP ( at current prices : Fiscal Year)
JPE124 名目暦年(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in GDP ( at current prices : Calendar Year)
JPE125 実質年度(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in GDP ( at constant prices : Fiscal Year)
JPE126 実質暦年(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in GDP ( at constant prices : Calendar Year)
デフレータ― Deflators
(実数) (Amount)
JPE127 四半期デフレータ― Deflators(Quarter)
JPE128 年度デフレータ― Deflators(Fiscal year)
JPE129 暦年デフレータ― Deflators(Calendar year)
(増加率) (Changes from the previous year)
JPE130 四半期デフレータ―(前年同期比) Deflators ( Quarter : changes from the previous year )
JPE131 年度デフレータ―(前年度比) Deflators ( Fiscal year : changes from the previous year )
JPE132 暦年デフレータ―(前年比) Deflators ( Calendar year : changes from the previous year )
旧基準計数 Old-series
長期時系列(GDP・雇用者報酬)(93SNA、平成7年基準) Long-term time series(GDP and compensation of employees)(93SNA,benchmark year=1995)
需要項目別時系列表(連鎖方式) Quarterly Estimates of GDP chained
平成12暦年連鎖価格GDE(GDP)需要項目別時系列表 GDP and its components
実額 Amount
(四半期) (Quarterly figures)
JPE201 名目原系列 Nominal Gross Domestic Expenditure (original series)
JPE202 名目季節調整系列 Nominal Gross Domestic Expenditure (seasonally adjusted series)
JPE203 実質原系列 Real Gross Domestic Expenditure (original series)
JPE204 実質季節調整系列 Real Gross Domestic Expenditure (seasonally adjusted series)
(年度・暦年) (Annual figures)
JPE205 名目年度 Annual Nominal GDE (fiscal year)
JPE206 名目暦年 Annual Nominal GDE (calendar year)
JPE207 実質年度 Annual Real GDE (fiscal year)
JPE208 実質暦年 Annual Real GDE (calendar year)
増加率 Changes from the previous term
(四半期) (Quarterly figures)
JPE209 名目原系列(前年同期比) Changes from the previous year (at current prices: original series)
JPE210 名目季節調整系列(前期比) Changes from the previous quarter (at current prices: seasonally adjusted series)
JPE211 実質原系列(前年同期比) Changes from the previous year (at chained (2000) prices: original series)
JPE212 実質季節調整系列(前期比) Changes from the previous quarter (at chained (2000) prices: seasonally adjusted series)
JPE213 年率換算の名目季節調整系列(前期比) Annualized rate of changes from the previous quarter (at current prices: seasonally adjusted series)
JPE214 年率換算の実質季節調整系列(前期比) Annualized rate of changes from the previous quarter (at chained (2000) prices: seasonally adjusted series)
(年度・暦年) (Annual figures)
JPE215 名目年度(前年度比) Changes from the previous year (at current prices: fiscal year)
JPE216 名目暦年(前年比) Changes from the previous year (at current prices: calendar year)
JPE217 実質年度(前年度比) Changes from the previous year (at chained (2000) prices: fiscal year)
JPE218 実質暦年(前年比) Changes from the previous year (at chained (2000) prices: calendar year)
寄与度 Contributions to changes in GDE
(四半期) (Quarterly figures)
JPE219 名目原系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Nominal GDE (original series)
JPE220 名目季節調整系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Nominal GDE (seasonally adjusted series)
JPE221 実質原系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Real GDE (original series)
JPE222 実質季節調整系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Real GDE (seasonally adjusted series)
(年度・暦年) (Annual figures)
JPE223 名目年度(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Annual Nominal GDE (fiscal year)
JPE224 名目暦年(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Annual Nominal GDE (calendar year)
JPE225 実質年度(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Annual Real GDE (fiscal year)
JPE226 実質暦年(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Annual Real GDE (calendar Year)
デフレータ― Deflators
(実数) (Amount)
JPE227 四半期デフレータ― Deflators (quarter)
JPE228 年度デフレータ― Deflators (fiscal year)
JPE229 暦年デフレータ― Deflators (calendar year)
(増加率) (Changes from the previous year)
JPE230 四半期デフレータ―(前年同期比) Deflators (quarter: changes from the previous year)
JPE231 年度デフレータ―(前年度比) Deflators (fiscal year: changes from the previous year)
JPE232 暦年デフレータ―(前年比) Deflators (calendar year: changes from the previous year)
需要項目別時系列表(固定基準年方式) Quarterly Estimates of GDP Apr.-Jun.2005,Fixed-based (base year=1995)(Sep.27,2005)
平成7暦年基準GDE(GDP)需要項目別時系列表 GDP and its components
実額 Amount
(四半期) (Quarterly figures)
JPE301 名目原系列 Nominal Gross Domestic Expenditure (original series)
JPE302 名目季節調整系列 Nominal Gross Domestic Expenditure (seasonally adjusted series)
JPE303 実質原系列 Real Gross Domestic Expenditure (original series)
JPE304 実質季節調整系列 Real Gross Domestic Expenditure (seasonally adjusted series)
(年度・暦年) (Annual figures)
JPE305 名目年度 Annual Nominal GDE (fiscal year)
JPE306 名目暦年 Annual Nominal GDE (calendar year)
JPE307 実質年度 Annual Real GDE (fiscal year)
JPE308 実質暦年 Annual Real GDE (calendar year)
増加率 Changes from the previous term
(四半期) (Quarterly figures)
JPE309 名目原系列(前年同期比) Changes from the previous year (at current prices: original series)
JPE310 名目季節調整系列(前期比) Changes from the previous quarter (at current prices: seasonally adjusted series)
JPE311 実質原系列(前年同期比) Changes from the previous year (at chained (2000) prices: original series)
JPE312 実質季節調整系列(前期比) Changes from the previous quarter (at chained (2000) prices: seasonally adjusted series)
JPE313 年率換算の名目季節調整系列(前期比) Annualized rate of changes from the previous quarter (at current prices: seasonally adjusted series)
JPE314 年率換算の実質季節調整系列(前期比) Annualized rate of changes from the previous quarter (at chained (2000) prices: seasonally adjusted series)
(年度・暦年) (Annual figures)
JPE315 名目年度(前年度比) Changes from the previous year (at current prices: fiscal year)
JPE316 名目暦年(前年比) Changes from the previous year (at current prices: calendar year)
JPE317 実質年度(前年度比) Changes from the previous year (at chained (2000) prices: fiscal year)
JPE318 実質暦年(前年比) Changes from the previous year (at chained (2000) prices: calendar year)
寄与度 Contributions to changes in GDE
(四半期) (Quarterly figures)
JPE319 名目原系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Nominal GDE (original series)
JPE320 名目季節調整系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Nominal GDE (seasonally adjusted series)
JPE321 実質原系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Real GDE (original series)
JPE322 実質季節調整系列(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Real GDE (seasonally adjusted series)
(年度・暦年) (Annual figures)
JPE323 名目年度(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Annual Nominal GDE (fiscal year)
JPE324 名目暦年(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Annual Nominal GDE (calendar year)
JPE325 実質年度(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Annual Real GDE (fiscal year)
JPE326 実質暦年(寄与度) Contributions to Changes in Annual Real GDE (calendar Year)
デフレータ― Deflators
(実数) (Amount)
JPE327 四半期デフレータ― Deflators (quarter)
JPE328 年度デフレータ― Deflators (fiscal year)
JPE329 暦年デフレータ― Deflators (calendar year)
(増加率) (Changes from the previous year)
JPE330 四半期デフレータ―(前年同期比) Deflators (quarter: changes from the previous year)
JPE331 年度デフレータ―(前年度比) Deflators (fiscal year: changes from the previous year)
JPE332 暦年デフレータ―(前年比) Deflators (calendar year: changes from the previous year)
民間企業資本ストック Gross Capital Stock of Private Enterprises
(平成12年基準:93SNA) ( 2000 Prices:93SNA)
JPE501 資本ストック(進捗ベース) 産業別資本ストック(進捗ベース) Gross Capital Stock by industry (Progress Base)
JPE502 資本ストック(取付ベース) 産業別資本ストック(取付ベース) Gross Capital Stock by industry (Installation Base)
旧基準計数 Old-series
(平成7年基準:93SNA) ( 1995 Prices:93SNA)
JPE511 資本ストック(進捗ベース) 産業別資本ストック(進捗ベース) Gross Capital Stock by industry (Progress Base)
JPE512 資本ストック(取付ベース) 産業別資本ストック(取付ベース) Gross Capital Stock by industry (Installation Base)
国際収支・貿易  Balance of Payments and External Trade
国際収支統計(デリバティブ取引計上方法見直し後、1996年1月〜) Balance of Payments (After the revision of the statistical treatment of financial derivatives (from Jan.1996))
国際収支 Balance of Payments
JPF1 主要項目<経常収支、資本収支等> Summary Table (Current Account, Capital and Financial Account, etc.)
JPF2 貿易収支 Trade Balance
JPF3 サービス収支 1<収支計、輸送、旅行> Services 1 (Total, Transportation, Travel)
JPF4 サービス収支 2<その他サービス> Services 2 (Other Services)
JPF5 所得収支 1<収支計、雇用者報酬、直接投資収益> Income 1 (Total, Compensation of Employees, Direct Investment Income)
JPF6 所得収支 2<証券投資収益、その他投資収益> Income 2 (Portfolio Investment Income, Other Investment Income)
JPF7 経常移転収支 Current Transfers
JPF8 投資収支 1<収支計、直投> Financial Account 1 (Total, Direct Investment)
JPF9 投資収支 2<証券投資> Financial Account 2 (Portfolio Investment)
JPF10 投資収支 3<金融派生商品> Financial Account 3 (Financial Derivatives)
JPF11 投資収支 4<貸付・借入> Financial Account 4 (Loans)
JPF12 投資収支 5<貿易信用> Financial Account 5 (Trade Credits)
JPF13 投資収支 6<現預金> Financial Account 6 (Currency and Deposits)
JPF14 投資収支 7<雑投資> Financial Account 7 (Other Investment)
旧国際収支統計(〜2001年12月速報) Balance of Payments (Before the revision of the statistical treatment of financial derivatives (through Dec.2001 <Provisional>))
JPF51 主要項目 (経常収支、資本収支等) Summary Table (Current Account, Capital and Financial Account, etc.)
JPF52 サービス収支 Services
JPF53 所得収支 Income
JPF54 経常移転収支 Current Transfers
JPF55 投資収支 (資産) Financial Account (Assets)
JPF56 投資収支(負債) Financial Account (Liabilities)
JPF57 その他資本収支 Capital Account
JPF58 経常収支 (季節調整済) Current Account (Seasonally-adjusted)
外国為替市場 Foreign Exchange Market
JPF71 外国為替相場状況 Foreign Exchange Rates
JPF81 外貨準備高 Foreign Exchange Reserves
貿易 External Trade
JPF101 輸出額(品目別) Value of exports (By commodity)
JPF102 商品特殊分類別輸出額 Value of Exports by Special Classification of Commodities
JPF103 主要商品の主要相手国別輸出数量及び金額 Quantity and Value of Exports of Principal Commodity by Principal Country
JPF104 貿易指数(輸出) Foreign Trade Index (Exports)
JPF201 輸入額(品目別) Value of imports (By commodity)
JPF202 商品特殊分類別輸入額 Value of Imports by Special Classification of Commodities
JPF203 主要商品の主要相手国別輸入数量及び金額 Quantity and Value of Imports of Principal Commodity by Principal Country
JPF204 貿易指数(輸入) Foreign Trade Index (Imports) (2000=100)
地域(国)別輸出入額 Value of Exports and Imports By area (Country) (Thousand Yen)
JPF301 アジア アジア ASIA
JPF306 中東欧・ロシア等 C&E EURO
JPF308 アフリカ AFRICA
企業  Business Survey
景気動向指数  Index of Business Conditions
JPG1 長期系列 (DI指数、CI指数、DI累積指数) Time series (Diffusion Indexes, Composite Indexes, Cumulated Diffusion Indexes)
JPG2 先行系列  Individual Indicator(Leading Index)
JPG3 一致系列  Individual Indicator(Coincident Index)
JPG4 遅行系列  Individual Indicator(Lagging Index)
法人企業統計調査 Financial Statements Statistics of Corporations
JPG31 全産業、製造業、非製造業 All Industry, Manufacturing, Non-Manufacturing
鉱工業  Manufacturing and Industries
JPH1 鉱工業生産指数 Indexes of Industrial Production
JPH2 鉱工業生産者出荷指数 Indices of Producer's Shipments
JPH3 鉱工業生産者製品在庫指数(期末) Indexes of Producers' Inventories (End of Period)
JPH4 鉱工業生産者製品在庫指数 Indexes of Producers' Inventories
JPH5 鉱工業生産者製品在庫率指数 Indices of Producer's Inventory Ratio
JPH6 生産能力指数 Indices of Production Capacity
JPH7 稼働率 Indices of Operating Ratio
機械受注 Orders Received for Machinery
JPI1 主要需要者別機械受注額 Machinery Orders by Sectors, Sales and Remainders
JPI2 機種別機械受注額 Machinery Orders by Machinery Classification
JPI3 民需機種別機械受注額 Machinery Orders from Private Sector by Machinery Classification
JPI4 製造業業種別機械受注額 Machinery Orders by Industrial Classification, Manufacturing
JPI5 非製造業業種別機械受注額 Machinery Orders by Industrial Classification, Non-manufacturing
JPI6 官公需業種別機械受注額 Machinery Orders from Governments (Public Sector)
建設 Construction
JPJ1 建設工事受注  Orders Received for Construction
JPJ2 建築物着工 Building Construction Started
JPJ3 新設住宅着工 New Dwellings Started
商業・サービス Domestic Trade and Services
JPK1 業種別商業販売額及び前年(度・同期・同月)比 Commercial sales value by type of business
JPK2 大規模卸売店商品別販売額等及び前年(度・同期・同月)比 Large-scale wholesale sales value by goods
JPK3 大型小売店業態別,商品別販売額等及び前年(度・同期・同月)比 Large-scale retail store sales value by type of business,by goods and ratio to the same month/term of the previous year
JPK4 コンビニエンスストア商品別販売額及び前年(度・同期・同月)比 Sales value of convenience stores and number of establishments
JPK5 平成17年基準商業販売額指数(原指数、季節調整済指数) Japanese Only
JPK6 平成17年基準大型小売店業態別商品別販売額指数(原指数、季節調整済指数) Japanese Only
JPK51 新車新規登録台数 Registration of New Passenger-Cars
JPK101 第3次産業活動指数 Indices of Tertiary industry Activity
労働・雇用 Labour and Employment
JPL1 労働力調査 Labour Force Survey(Not Seasonally Adjusted)
JPL2 労働力調査(季調値) Labour Force Survey(Seasonally Adjusted)
JPL51 一般職業紹介状況 Employment Referrals for General Workers (Not Seasonally Adjusted)
JPL52 一般職業紹介状況 (季調値) Employment Referrals for General Workers (Seasonally Adjusted)
JPM1 常用雇用指数 Regular employment indices
JPM11 賃金指数 Wage indices
JPM21 実質賃金指数 Real wage indices
JPM31 現金給与額 Cash Earnings
JPM51 労働時間指数 Hours worked indices
家計  Family Income and Expenditure Survey
JPN1 主要家計指標 −二人以上の世帯(全国全世帯)  Major Figures on Family Budget - All Japan (All Households)−Two-or-more-person households
JPN2 主要家計指標 −二人以上の世帯(全国勤労者世帯) Major Figures on Family Budget - All Japan (Workers' Households)−Two-or-more-person households
JPN51 消費水準指数 −二人以上の世帯(農林漁家を除く、全国全世帯) Index of Consumption Expenditures Level -All Japan(All Households, Excluding agricultural, forestry and fisheries households) (Two-or-more-person Households)
JPN52 消費水準指数 −二人以上の世帯(農林漁家を除く、全国勤労者世帯) Index of Consumption Expenditures Level -All Japan ) (Workers' Households, Excluding agricultural, forestry and fisheries households) (Two-or-more-person Households)
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